Greatworth Primary School


What to do if I am interested in my child attending Greatworth School?

If you think Greatworth School is a possible school for your child, please contact the school office for a visit in the first instance. Mrs Lutas-Brown or some of our Y6 children would love to show you around. Please contact the school office on 01295 711456 or

When do I apply for my child to have a place at Greatworth Primary School?

Greatworth Primary School follows the defined admissions process that is set by West Northamptonshire County Council. The website link (below) will provide guidance on how to apply for a school place, school information and oversubscription criteria. Our PAN (published Admission Number) is 15. 

School admissions arrangements for children with SEND

Please view the following page on the Northamptonshire County website for further information:

School Admissions | West Northamptonshire Council (

Admissions Policy 2024